Wednesday, August 8, 2007

shooting practice

Well Fellas,
I went shooting yesterday for the first time in my life. A friend of mine has some guns and we went to a target range. It's interesting how this is coinciding with our discussion on the Christian and violence. I am still on the fence regarding whether I want to be a gun owner or not. On the one hand, I experienced vividly the awesome power, and responsibility it is to wield a gun, and that is scary for a number of reasons. I have young kids, so their safety is paramount to me. Part of me sees the benefits to them growing up with a healthy view, and knowledge of firearms, but still part of me is scared. I would definitely get a safe for it, that only I would know the combination to. But sill it's both reassuring and unsettling at the same time.
I tore up the dude on the target paper pretty good. If I were to do that to an intruder/attacker would I be alright with that? Would my kids be alright with that? Do I have other self-defense tactics at my disposal so that a gun-based solution is the absolute last resort? I've been trying to reconcile all of these questions and more. I kind of want my own "rules of engagement" so to speak. I'll let you all know what the final decision is and I invite your input.
I think as a teacher, Virginia Tech was the turning point for me where I began seeing it almost as my civic duty to be armed. We had a lock down this year at school and I would want to be able to protect my students. The administration at Virginia Tech was so proud of the gun-free laws they instituted a few years ago. They said it would make students "feel safer"..........appearance over substance!!!!
I say all that to say this, I don't know practically for me how this will all shake down. To own or not to own, that is the question.


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