Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Iowa Straw Poll

So Romney won the straw poll yesterday. Does it mean anything? The last few Republicans that won the straw poll went on to win the nomination: Bush and Dole. My sense is that this election year is different though. There are some potentially major players that haven't officially entered the race yet: Fred Thompson, and Newt Gingrich. Not to mention that Guiliani, and McCain ignored it altogether. One thing that could be a significant indicator of things to come is Mike Huckabee's strong 2nd place finish. I see his stock rising, and rising. I think he could be a very strong Vice-presidential candidate for Thompson, Guilini or Romney. There is even a chance that he might pull even with the top 3 I mentioned and make it into a top four situation.

Another thing I've been thinking about is how the top Republican Candidates absolutely dwarf the top Democrat candidates in experience. Clinton, Obama, and Edwards are a bunch of 1 term senators. The Dems definitely have star-power with the attractiveness of their top 3, but that's all. It definitely should be interesting, though.


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