Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Freedom to choose

To quote Wesley from The Princess Bride, "Life is pain. Anyone that tells you differently is selling something."

The wonderful thing about America is the Freedom of choice. It is daunting because we have to much choice in the US. But our choices shape our outcome. And failure is an option. It is fair to not succeed because it makes you want to try harder and it allows you to learn from your lessons. If you try enough and fail enough, you will succeed with tremendous character.

It is new in America that the rich are so hated. Taxes do not prevent the rich from becoming richer but they do prevent the poor from becoming richer. For example, nearly every Democratic candidate wants to raise taxes for Americans making over $200,000/yr. If you make $40,000/yr. how many people do you employ? If you make $200,000/yr. how many people do you employ? If the government takes more of your money, won't you employ less? Doesn't that hurt the person making less than $200,000/yr? More taxes is not the answer to higher government revenues. The less you tax, the higher the revenues. We have the all-time highest corporate tax revenues right now. Politicians should not be trying to find new ways to collect revenues though, they should be finding ways to solve problems that allow Americans to keep their money. IRAs, HSAs, ESAs and tax deductible donations are the ideal for economic growth and personal responsibility.



Paul Buksbazen said...

Very well said!!! It absolutely amazes me how few Americans grasp basic economic principles. By the way........kudos for the Princess Bride quote. "Does anybody want a peanut?" - Fezig

Jeremy Schwaeber said...

You're right. It's "inconceivable"!!!


Paul Buksbazen said...

Watch your spelling........."It's inconthhhhheivable"