Friday, June 22, 2007

Context is everything

When you look at that sentence in the Declaration of Independence, I don't know how you can argue that these men that formed our country were not Christian men. Many want to remove all things religion from this country. Without all religion, you get China, North Korea or Communist Russia. No one wants that.

You have to acknowledge that at the time this was written, a slave was not legally a person and did not have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It was a Christian nation that saw its error and corrected itself at great cost. I say this as a Jew. I worship the same God because I believe that this is foretold in the Old Testament but I hate it when people like Christopher Hitchens calls these people lunatics for believing in God when they bring so much good to this world today. Or Rosie O'Donnell who thinks that Christians in the US are as dangerous as Taliban in Afghanistan. American Christians are not the European Christians of the past 1500 years. People on the left need to move ahead with the times and stop seeing the Christian right as a threat to their freedom.

With regard to abortion, I think there are cases where it is reasonable for the court to appoint representation to the unborn where it deems necessary. This, I believe, is the "Liberty" you speak of with regard to the new child. It would seem that if you waited 6-8 months to get an abortion, there is something wrong with you. Just give it a month or two and make a couple's dream come true through adoption. People really should seek to do good and what is better than giving a childless couple a chance at a family. This is the opposite of being selfish.



Paul Buksbazen said...

I love what you brought up there about the conflict between what was in our founding principles and what was in the Declaration. Not only that, many of the founders had slaves......Thomas Jefferson. How is that possible?
First, let me make clear that I'm not defending slavery. However, in historical context we must understand that slavery had been happening all over the world for thousands of years. It was an accepted part of the culture. Things didn't change until the Declaration Principle of the equality of all men began being preached in the Great Awakening and Welsh Revivals. Lincoln met the great revivalist Charles Finney (I think) and said so you're the man who started this war.
There is nothing more powerful than an idea. Interestingly, an idea is what won women voting rights, and ended the Cold War without a single missle being fired.
Great post Couzzzz......

Jeremy Schwaeber said...

Jefferson had slaved becuase he couldn't afford not to. He was a lousy businessman. However, he requested the slaves be freed upon his death.