Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Amnesty, Sham-nesty

I love LEGAL immigration. All of our relatives immigrated legally to the U.S. within the last 100 years or so. They came with the intent of assimilating in American life and culture. All of their cultural background was brought with them to enhance the American cultural scene, a unity in diversity mindset. They learned the language, became entrepreneurs and carried their own weight. What troubles me with the Illegal Immigrants is that a huge percentage of them care nothing for assimilation, and in the height of arrogance demand more handouts and preferential treatment. There are organized groups like La Raza whose stated goal is to incrementally take back the South Western U.S. for Mexico. OY!!!!!!!
I've had the privilege of attending a Naturalization Ceremony. Those people had to swear an oathe renouncing their allegiance to any foreign govt., or leader and to be willing to take up arms to defend the U.S. if need be. I've never been more proud to be an American. However, is that the mindset of those sneaking across the border? I think not!!!!!
Another thing that bugs me is that this issue is being framed in economic terms only. 'Well they're just doing jobs that Americans won't do', or 'They're paying taxes at store too'. Let's set aside the questionable truth of those statements for a minute. SO WHAT!!!!!! There is so much more to being an American than paying taxes and working. The most important parts of being an American are the invisible things. The ideals of freedom, and liberty are two of the most important. Those ideals are completely undermined by their loyalty to the agenda of a dependent society. Through their socialistic experiences in their native countries, many have been conditioned to believe that government's role is to take care of their every need.
There is an economic, and social tipping point that America is getting dangerously close to. The economic tipping point will kill the goose that's trying to lay golden eggs, and the social tipping point will kill the ideals of freedom, and liberty. America will then cease to be America as we know it.


Paul M. Pace said...

Hey Paul, this is Paul Pace, Jason's friend. He told me about your blog, so I thought I would check it out. Interesting stuff. I also have blog named, paulepace.blogspot.com
I would love for your permission to comment on your blogs, but I do want to be presumptious, specifically because I disagreed a little with some points of interest. I know that I don't know you that well, but I would also love for your comments on my blog, since I appreciate varying perspectives.
Nice to see that you and your family are doing well in NC. Blessings this summer, Paul Pace

Paul Buksbazen said...

Yes, Paul Pace....I would love your comments. That's what this blog is all about. The more different perspectives, the better.

-Paul B.