Very true what you said Paul but I can assure you it is far worse in California. On the fairness doctrine, there actually was once a need to be fair as their were such technological limits to diversity of opinion. Today, you have conservative talk radio, liberal talk radio, financial talk radio, sports talk radio, sleazy talk radio. Add in the Internet, you can create a new format all together. As a matter of fact, I don't really care if they reinstate the fairness doctrine because I find myself listening to everything on podcast now. I would probably have to start paying for it but it would be worth it to me. What I don't understand is why this only pertains to auditory airwaves and not visual airwaves. Why not a conservative sitting next to Katie Couric doing his or her 15 minutes? No matter what, the people own the airwaves, not the legislators and the people's freedom of speech cannot be stopped.
Let's talk about fairness now. What I find really unfair is that so many immigrants can be lazy and contribute nothing to society these days. We let it happen by allowing the government to put every form imaginable in foreign language after foreign language. They pay for interpreters in hospital and jails and government offices. It is one thing if your a tourist, you have a consulate to go to. But if you want to live here, you have to "live" here. That means, communicate with your fellow countrymen. Make an effort and be a good citizen. Don't try to live your life in America as if you never left your home country. THIS, is your new country and you should feel that way, especially if you took great risks to come here and you see the reward you have gained.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Are You Smarter Than A Four Year Old?
As a disclaimer, I would like to say upfront that I love the Spanish Language. My Grandmother is Puerto Rican, and consequently I know many cool cuss words in that language. However, my wife came back from the park with my kids tonight and told me that my 4 year old son, Jaden, said "Mommy why is everyone here speaking Spanish?". Such a simple comment, so intuitive, yet so insightful. He asked the question because he lives in America. I can guarantee you that he'd never ask that question if he visited Mexico. If a language barrier hampers his ability to communicate in the sandbox, imagine what it does to commerce, finance, entrepreneurship, and basic community living. It divides!!!!! It does not unite. It is a practical reality that anyone who immigrates to any country, even a multi-ethnic one like America, must learn the prevailing language to assimilate into the culture. So ask yourself, pro-amnesty readers, "are you smarter than a four year old?"
I wanted to further the conversation about "fairness". I said earlier that good policy creates fair processes, and doesn't coercively create "fair" or equal outcomes. When government is outcome based they wind up stealing from one entity to give to another. A perfect example is the "fairness doctrine" which congress is trying to start up again. This policy basically tries to thwart conservative talk radio by claiming that they dominate the airwaves, which they do. It states that for every conservative show there needs to be another show of the opposite opinion......liberal. This supposedly creates "fairness".
Let's examine why conservative talk radio is so popular and if they have succeeded because of some sort of unfair tactic. Up until Rush Limbaugh's ascension to fame in the early 90's there were very limited viewpoints of news, and most of them had a liberal bias to them. It certainly wasn't as pronounced as now, but it was definitely there. Just look back at who the New York Times and others have supported as presidential nominees in an election.......always the Democrat. That practice still astonishes me given that they are supposed to be unbiased.
When Limbaugh came around he began saying things that much of America believed but hadn't heard said on the airwaves. He began giving a voice to a large group of people's views. People listened........a lot of people listened!!!! Radio station managers and owners realized that if the syndicated him nationally more people would listen. So they did, and guess what - he became the most listened to radio personality of all time, and still is. Every day 10's of millions of people literally vote one by one, by tuning in, as to whether or not they like him. It's the democratic process in action. To legislate against it would be to disenfranchise those who want to listen to conservative talk radio, and economically steal from the sponsors and radio stations, by forcing them to program inferior - less listened to shows. I ask you, is that fairness??????
Interestingly, the same reasoning is at the root of all sorts of other issues, like graduated tax rates that are heavier on the rich, racial quotas and affirmative action.......etc It's a lovely SOCIALISTIC package of bad policy.
Could you imagine applying that same process to an election? 'Well, that state already has one Democrat Senator, it's only FAIR that we allow a Republican to take the other slot'. Are you kidding????? That's insanity - but that is what happens when you try to ensure fair outcomes instead of fair processes.
Let's examine why conservative talk radio is so popular and if they have succeeded because of some sort of unfair tactic. Up until Rush Limbaugh's ascension to fame in the early 90's there were very limited viewpoints of news, and most of them had a liberal bias to them. It certainly wasn't as pronounced as now, but it was definitely there. Just look back at who the New York Times and others have supported as presidential nominees in an election.......always the Democrat. That practice still astonishes me given that they are supposed to be unbiased.
When Limbaugh came around he began saying things that much of America believed but hadn't heard said on the airwaves. He began giving a voice to a large group of people's views. People listened........a lot of people listened!!!! Radio station managers and owners realized that if the syndicated him nationally more people would listen. So they did, and guess what - he became the most listened to radio personality of all time, and still is. Every day 10's of millions of people literally vote one by one, by tuning in, as to whether or not they like him. It's the democratic process in action. To legislate against it would be to disenfranchise those who want to listen to conservative talk radio, and economically steal from the sponsors and radio stations, by forcing them to program inferior - less listened to shows. I ask you, is that fairness??????
Interestingly, the same reasoning is at the root of all sorts of other issues, like graduated tax rates that are heavier on the rich, racial quotas and affirmative action.......etc It's a lovely SOCIALISTIC package of bad policy.
Could you imagine applying that same process to an election? 'Well, that state already has one Democrat Senator, it's only FAIR that we allow a Republican to take the other slot'. Are you kidding????? That's insanity - but that is what happens when you try to ensure fair outcomes instead of fair processes.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Random Thought #1
Here's a random thought for the Liberals and Bush haters out there:
If President Bush is so stupid, what does that make Al Gore and John Kerry?
If Al Gore is incapable of winning the presidency, inluding his home state, why do you eat up everything he says about Global Warming?
If President Bush is so stupid, what does that make Al Gore and John Kerry?
If Al Gore is incapable of winning the presidency, inluding his home state, why do you eat up everything he says about Global Warming?
Monday, June 25, 2007
We ain't Rome
There was actually a book that just came out that asked this very question, "Are we Rome?" Bet we aren't. One of the main reasons we are not is that we still lead the world in ideas and ingenuity. You also have to look at the fact that taxes and the cost of living are so high that a;most everyone works, including what used to be the traditional housewife. We are the most productive country in the world and we do not seem to be slowing down
The one thing that I liked about the immigration bill is that it required English for citizenship. This is the start to accepting American culture. It looks like the cloture vote won't go through though. I was listening to Tammy Bruce this weekend and she was saying that while polls say the general population is quite dissatisfied with the Congress, when asked how Congress was handling the immigration bill 97% were dissatisfied. As she put it, can you get 97% of people to agree about anything? Food, Sex, anything? And they say Bush is the worst president, how about this being the worst Congress?
The one thing that I liked about the immigration bill is that it required English for citizenship. This is the start to accepting American culture. It looks like the cloture vote won't go through though. I was listening to Tammy Bruce this weekend and she was saying that while polls say the general population is quite dissatisfied with the Congress, when asked how Congress was handling the immigration bill 97% were dissatisfied. As she put it, can you get 97% of people to agree about anything? Food, Sex, anything? And they say Bush is the worst president, how about this being the worst Congress?
The Fall of Rome
There are aspects of illegal immigration and the effect it has in our country that remind me of the Roman Empire before it fell. Roman citizens were so prosperous right before the end that a roman citizen rarely had to work. They had a permanent underclass of foreign non-Roman citizens that did "all the jobs that Romans wouldn't do". In fact a large percentage of the Roman Army was made up of these non-citizens who had no allegiance to Rome. When the Huns invaded, the underclass turned on the Romans and Rome fell.
Whenever a country lets foreigners in, even if they intend to work, the Country runs a huge risk of subversion. It must be clear when someone enters America that they are on our side. That's why a person must do all sorts of things to become a citizen: learn the language, be gainfully employed, learn the history, renounce all other allegiances...........etc. This is the only way to begin to ensure a stable culture.
Compare that with the stated goals of organizations like La Raza, who want to take back the South Western U.S. for Mexico through illegal immigration. If this bill passes this week, our nation will be in deep trouble.....AY CARAMBA!!!!
Whenever a country lets foreigners in, even if they intend to work, the Country runs a huge risk of subversion. It must be clear when someone enters America that they are on our side. That's why a person must do all sorts of things to become a citizen: learn the language, be gainfully employed, learn the history, renounce all other allegiances...........etc. This is the only way to begin to ensure a stable culture.
Compare that with the stated goals of organizations like La Raza, who want to take back the South Western U.S. for Mexico through illegal immigration. If this bill passes this week, our nation will be in deep trouble.....AY CARAMBA!!!!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Context is everything
When you look at that sentence in the Declaration of Independence, I don't know how you can argue that these men that formed our country were not Christian men. Many want to remove all things religion from this country. Without all religion, you get China, North Korea or Communist Russia. No one wants that.
You have to acknowledge that at the time this was written, a slave was not legally a person and did not have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It was a Christian nation that saw its error and corrected itself at great cost. I say this as a Jew. I worship the same God because I believe that this is foretold in the Old Testament but I hate it when people like Christopher Hitchens calls these people lunatics for believing in God when they bring so much good to this world today. Or Rosie O'Donnell who thinks that Christians in the US are as dangerous as Taliban in Afghanistan. American Christians are not the European Christians of the past 1500 years. People on the left need to move ahead with the times and stop seeing the Christian right as a threat to their freedom.
With regard to abortion, I think there are cases where it is reasonable for the court to appoint representation to the unborn where it deems necessary. This, I believe, is the "Liberty" you speak of with regard to the new child. It would seem that if you waited 6-8 months to get an abortion, there is something wrong with you. Just give it a month or two and make a couple's dream come true through adoption. People really should seek to do good and what is better than giving a childless couple a chance at a family. This is the opposite of being selfish.
You have to acknowledge that at the time this was written, a slave was not legally a person and did not have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It was a Christian nation that saw its error and corrected itself at great cost. I say this as a Jew. I worship the same God because I believe that this is foretold in the Old Testament but I hate it when people like Christopher Hitchens calls these people lunatics for believing in God when they bring so much good to this world today. Or Rosie O'Donnell who thinks that Christians in the US are as dangerous as Taliban in Afghanistan. American Christians are not the European Christians of the past 1500 years. People on the left need to move ahead with the times and stop seeing the Christian right as a threat to their freedom.
With regard to abortion, I think there are cases where it is reasonable for the court to appoint representation to the unborn where it deems necessary. This, I believe, is the "Liberty" you speak of with regard to the new child. It would seem that if you waited 6-8 months to get an abortion, there is something wrong with you. Just give it a month or two and make a couple's dream come true through adoption. People really should seek to do good and what is better than giving a childless couple a chance at a family. This is the opposite of being selfish.
First things First
I wanted to explore the Declaration Principles a little more, because there are a few difficult issues that create conflict within the Principles. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." In an issue like slavery, it would seem that the right to Liberty of the slave is at odds with the right of the slave owners "pursuit of Happiness" (property rights). Since we know that slavery is wrong - period, what principle allows us to justify disenfranchising the slave owner of his "property"? Two unalienable rights in conflict with each other, how do we resolve this?
The key to this, and so many other policy dilemmas, is remembering one simple thing: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are in a practical order. Without life, liberty and owning property are not possible at all. Without liberty, (as in the example of the slave) owning property is impossible. The order of these rights are in the order of necessary importance, therefore situations where life is an issue will trump any other concern of property or anything else.......etc.
If we apply this to Abortion it becomes clear what the right thing is to do. In the pro-choice argument, they often argue that the baby is her property "get your laws off my body" or that it's an invasion of her privacy (Liberty). But Life should always trump them all.
The key to this, and so many other policy dilemmas, is remembering one simple thing: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are in a practical order. Without life, liberty and owning property are not possible at all. Without liberty, (as in the example of the slave) owning property is impossible. The order of these rights are in the order of necessary importance, therefore situations where life is an issue will trump any other concern of property or anything else.......etc.
If we apply this to Abortion it becomes clear what the right thing is to do. In the pro-choice argument, they often argue that the baby is her property "get your laws off my body" or that it's an invasion of her privacy (Liberty). But Life should always trump them all.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Freedom to choose
To quote Wesley from The Princess Bride, "Life is pain. Anyone that tells you differently is selling something."
The wonderful thing about America is the Freedom of choice. It is daunting because we have to much choice in the US. But our choices shape our outcome. And failure is an option. It is fair to not succeed because it makes you want to try harder and it allows you to learn from your lessons. If you try enough and fail enough, you will succeed with tremendous character.
It is new in America that the rich are so hated. Taxes do not prevent the rich from becoming richer but they do prevent the poor from becoming richer. For example, nearly every Democratic candidate wants to raise taxes for Americans making over $200,000/yr. If you make $40,000/yr. how many people do you employ? If you make $200,000/yr. how many people do you employ? If the government takes more of your money, won't you employ less? Doesn't that hurt the person making less than $200,000/yr? More taxes is not the answer to higher government revenues. The less you tax, the higher the revenues. We have the all-time highest corporate tax revenues right now. Politicians should not be trying to find new ways to collect revenues though, they should be finding ways to solve problems that allow Americans to keep their money. IRAs, HSAs, ESAs and tax deductible donations are the ideal for economic growth and personal responsibility.
The wonderful thing about America is the Freedom of choice. It is daunting because we have to much choice in the US. But our choices shape our outcome. And failure is an option. It is fair to not succeed because it makes you want to try harder and it allows you to learn from your lessons. If you try enough and fail enough, you will succeed with tremendous character.
It is new in America that the rich are so hated. Taxes do not prevent the rich from becoming richer but they do prevent the poor from becoming richer. For example, nearly every Democratic candidate wants to raise taxes for Americans making over $200,000/yr. If you make $40,000/yr. how many people do you employ? If you make $200,000/yr. how many people do you employ? If the government takes more of your money, won't you employ less? Doesn't that hurt the person making less than $200,000/yr? More taxes is not the answer to higher government revenues. The less you tax, the higher the revenues. We have the all-time highest corporate tax revenues right now. Politicians should not be trying to find new ways to collect revenues though, they should be finding ways to solve problems that allow Americans to keep their money. IRAs, HSAs, ESAs and tax deductible donations are the ideal for economic growth and personal responsibility.
My country, my home
Immigration is a necessary evil as most groups have less children. Obviously, you are doing your part Paul. With the impending retirement of the Baby Boomers, we do not have enough immigration for future jobs needs. The statement that illegals do jobs Americans won't do absurd. Many illegals, particularly in construction make more than many Americans. After the Swift meat plant was raided, the were very long lines for Americans to get jobs at the rate of $18-20/hr.
Take someone like Frank Sinatra. He was the son of Italian immigrants but he did not even have a hint of an Italian accent. The one thing I actually like in the immigration bill is that there is a requirement to learn English and English is one of the most uniting factors in the American experience. How can you expect to be successful if you do not learn to communicate with your non-foreign neighbors? Or for that matter, the others from around the world whos languange is also not English but want the same experience.
Things will never get better if people rely on the government though. Americans are supposed to be self-sufficient and help there neighbors in need. It gets very hard to do that when the government mandates that they will do it for you. We must pursue the original intent of immigration, the opportunity to live in the land of opportunity as one.
Take someone like Frank Sinatra. He was the son of Italian immigrants but he did not even have a hint of an Italian accent. The one thing I actually like in the immigration bill is that there is a requirement to learn English and English is one of the most uniting factors in the American experience. How can you expect to be successful if you do not learn to communicate with your non-foreign neighbors? Or for that matter, the others from around the world whos languange is also not English but want the same experience.
Things will never get better if people rely on the government though. Americans are supposed to be self-sufficient and help there neighbors in need. It gets very hard to do that when the government mandates that they will do it for you. We must pursue the original intent of immigration, the opportunity to live in the land of opportunity as one.
Equality vs. Equity
There are some who say that equality is the greatest of the American virtues. In a sense it is true since "all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The idea of intrinsic human worth broke the bonds of slavery, and is the cornerstone principle of all the noble gains of the early civil rights movement. But the voices who are championing equality nowadays seem to be arguing something other than intrinsic worth and therefore equal opportunities. They are not trying to secure Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. They're fighting for equal outcomes, and there is a very subtle, dangerous distinction to be made. In essence they are demanding the aquirement of happiness - not the pursuit - as an unalienable right. They demand racial and gender quotas, economic equity, universal healthcare and education (even for non-citizens). All of these things are in line with socialism and communism which absolutely names "equity" as it's bedrock principle. Of course never mind that communism doesn't work.
Let me state a fact, not an opinion - LIFE IS NOT FAIR and fair outcomes can never be guaranteed, anyone that tells you they can is LYING. I just want a system of government that ensures a Fair Process, not "fair outcomes". In my opinion the most overlooked unalienable right we have is the RIGHT TO PROPERTY (pursuit of happiness). The government has no right based on the Constitution to my property. Yes, that's right - payroll taxes are illegitimate. Consumer taxes are the only legitimate mode of taxation provided by the founders, (except in wartime).
I have no problem with taxes, they just need to be levied in a non-coercive way, thereby preserving the power with the people. If we wanted a tax break in a consumer tax scenario, we would just control our spending. It's that simple. Once again, understanding the founding principles will keep us off all the philosophical slippery slopes.
Let me state a fact, not an opinion - LIFE IS NOT FAIR and fair outcomes can never be guaranteed, anyone that tells you they can is LYING. I just want a system of government that ensures a Fair Process, not "fair outcomes". In my opinion the most overlooked unalienable right we have is the RIGHT TO PROPERTY (pursuit of happiness). The government has no right based on the Constitution to my property. Yes, that's right - payroll taxes are illegitimate. Consumer taxes are the only legitimate mode of taxation provided by the founders, (except in wartime).
I have no problem with taxes, they just need to be levied in a non-coercive way, thereby preserving the power with the people. If we wanted a tax break in a consumer tax scenario, we would just control our spending. It's that simple. Once again, understanding the founding principles will keep us off all the philosophical slippery slopes.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Amnesty, Sham-nesty
I love LEGAL immigration. All of our relatives immigrated legally to the U.S. within the last 100 years or so. They came with the intent of assimilating in American life and culture. All of their cultural background was brought with them to enhance the American cultural scene, a unity in diversity mindset. They learned the language, became entrepreneurs and carried their own weight. What troubles me with the Illegal Immigrants is that a huge percentage of them care nothing for assimilation, and in the height of arrogance demand more handouts and preferential treatment. There are organized groups like La Raza whose stated goal is to incrementally take back the South Western U.S. for Mexico. OY!!!!!!!
I've had the privilege of attending a Naturalization Ceremony. Those people had to swear an oathe renouncing their allegiance to any foreign govt., or leader and to be willing to take up arms to defend the U.S. if need be. I've never been more proud to be an American. However, is that the mindset of those sneaking across the border? I think not!!!!!
Another thing that bugs me is that this issue is being framed in economic terms only. 'Well they're just doing jobs that Americans won't do', or 'They're paying taxes at store too'. Let's set aside the questionable truth of those statements for a minute. SO WHAT!!!!!! There is so much more to being an American than paying taxes and working. The most important parts of being an American are the invisible things. The ideals of freedom, and liberty are two of the most important. Those ideals are completely undermined by their loyalty to the agenda of a dependent society. Through their socialistic experiences in their native countries, many have been conditioned to believe that government's role is to take care of their every need.
There is an economic, and social tipping point that America is getting dangerously close to. The economic tipping point will kill the goose that's trying to lay golden eggs, and the social tipping point will kill the ideals of freedom, and liberty. America will then cease to be America as we know it.
I've had the privilege of attending a Naturalization Ceremony. Those people had to swear an oathe renouncing their allegiance to any foreign govt., or leader and to be willing to take up arms to defend the U.S. if need be. I've never been more proud to be an American. However, is that the mindset of those sneaking across the border? I think not!!!!!
Another thing that bugs me is that this issue is being framed in economic terms only. 'Well they're just doing jobs that Americans won't do', or 'They're paying taxes at store too'. Let's set aside the questionable truth of those statements for a minute. SO WHAT!!!!!! There is so much more to being an American than paying taxes and working. The most important parts of being an American are the invisible things. The ideals of freedom, and liberty are two of the most important. Those ideals are completely undermined by their loyalty to the agenda of a dependent society. Through their socialistic experiences in their native countries, many have been conditioned to believe that government's role is to take care of their every need.
There is an economic, and social tipping point that America is getting dangerously close to. The economic tipping point will kill the goose that's trying to lay golden eggs, and the social tipping point will kill the ideals of freedom, and liberty. America will then cease to be America as we know it.
Death and Taxes
You have given me some good things to think about. There is no question to me that if you wait until your third trimester, you have murdered a premie. However, having two miscarriages in the family, I cannot go around telling people I lost two children. We need to change the hearts and minds of women on this issue. If you read Freakonomics, you know that economics can change behavior. So, why don't we give a $1,000 tax credit to every woman that puts her baby up for adoption? There is a shortage of adoptable children in the US and always a family in need of someone to love.
As for taxes, I don't care too much as long as it is flat. Although, I think the best method is to model the Federal Reserve and make the rate adjustable to the state of the economy. Can you imagine the response to a 8% tax on income or purhcases when the economy is sluggish and how we could stave off inflation at 18% on income or purchases?
So, Paul, you think the immigration bill is gonna make it this time?
As for taxes, I don't care too much as long as it is flat. Although, I think the best method is to model the Federal Reserve and make the rate adjustable to the state of the economy. Can you imagine the response to a 8% tax on income or purhcases when the economy is sluggish and how we could stave off inflation at 18% on income or purchases?
So, Paul, you think the immigration bill is gonna make it this time?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Founding Principles
I believe all good law comes back to the Founding Principles. Abortion shouldn't be legal just like murder shouldn't be legal, it violates the baby's inalienable right to life. We have no problem with a blanket law against murder, and since that is what abortion is......... The idea that exceptions should be made for rape and incest doesn't change the nature of the act against the child. The circumstances for the mother are absolutely tragic, and merits our compassion, but abortion is a crime against the child.
I've only seen a handful of bumper stickers in my entire life that I like. Most are just red meat for those who agree, but I love the truth and compassion in the one that said "Abortion: one dead, one wounded". I've know so many women who have had an abortion when they were young and never realized the emotional ramifications of it until years later. The grief, regret, and pain are incredibly traumatic.
Now in response to your tax argument 'that it's fairer for senior citizens'. I like the fair tax a lot more than what we have because everyone carries their fair share, but not because senior citizens get a break. Remember.......PRINCIPLE!!!!!! If seniors get a break, who else deserves a break......? We think we're doing the poor a favor by having them not pay taxes. I don't think that's so. I believe if everyone contributes it not only will foster a more responsible society, but create a more active electorate. This would begin to place the power back where it belongs......with the people. Yeah, self-government ------Boo big government!!!!
I've only seen a handful of bumper stickers in my entire life that I like. Most are just red meat for those who agree, but I love the truth and compassion in the one that said "Abortion: one dead, one wounded". I've know so many women who have had an abortion when they were young and never realized the emotional ramifications of it until years later. The grief, regret, and pain are incredibly traumatic.
Now in response to your tax argument 'that it's fairer for senior citizens'. I like the fair tax a lot more than what we have because everyone carries their fair share, but not because senior citizens get a break. Remember.......PRINCIPLE!!!!!! If seniors get a break, who else deserves a break......? We think we're doing the poor a favor by having them not pay taxes. I don't think that's so. I believe if everyone contributes it not only will foster a more responsible society, but create a more active electorate. This would begin to place the power back where it belongs......with the people. Yeah, self-government ------Boo big government!!!!
Declaration Principle of my own
Thank you Paul, I am feeling old at 35 even if they do say 60 is the new 40.
Now, to the debate!
I agree that the question of evolution is religously charged but I beleive it tells us nothing about a candidate. After all, I think Mormons are nuts but I still think someone like Mitt Romney would make a good president. My dream response would have been, "What do you think Wolf? We are in the Oval office deciding on the origins of life all day long? This affects our stand on Terrorism, Healthcare or Taxes?" I was suprised to learn at a secular college that Darwin was a Christian that believed in Creation. He never even used the word evolution, only the phrases "change over time" and natural selection. Therefore, it is possible to believe in creation and evolution at the same time.
With regard to the Declaration of Independence, it is quite telling that the founder wrote "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Nowhere is it said, with good intention, that we have the right to happiness or the right to privacy. Abortion rights are predicated on the right of privacy. While I abhor abortion myself, I cannot see legislating it. There are too many shades of gray with regard to rape, incest, life of the mother etc. But for the same reason, we should not have so much government restriction in our lives that limit our liberty and the pursuit thereof. Paul, I am with you on a new tax system, however, I have come to favor the flat tax because it is more fair to the elderly who are on a fixed income and have allready paid more than their fair share of taxes.
Now, to the debate!
I agree that the question of evolution is religously charged but I beleive it tells us nothing about a candidate. After all, I think Mormons are nuts but I still think someone like Mitt Romney would make a good president. My dream response would have been, "What do you think Wolf? We are in the Oval office deciding on the origins of life all day long? This affects our stand on Terrorism, Healthcare or Taxes?" I was suprised to learn at a secular college that Darwin was a Christian that believed in Creation. He never even used the word evolution, only the phrases "change over time" and natural selection. Therefore, it is possible to believe in creation and evolution at the same time.
With regard to the Declaration of Independence, it is quite telling that the founder wrote "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Nowhere is it said, with good intention, that we have the right to happiness or the right to privacy. Abortion rights are predicated on the right of privacy. While I abhor abortion myself, I cannot see legislating it. There are too many shades of gray with regard to rape, incest, life of the mother etc. But for the same reason, we should not have so much government restriction in our lives that limit our liberty and the pursuit thereof. Paul, I am with you on a new tax system, however, I have come to favor the flat tax because it is more fair to the elderly who are on a fixed income and have allready paid more than their fair share of taxes.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Jeremy!!!!!!! You're old, so you better bring some wisdom to these blogs.
My First Blog
I remember my first Power Point application........I called it my first PP. But anyway, this is more momentous and important than that, although I do hope to sprinkle our world-saving opinions with humor. Jeremy and I are only a month and a half apart in age. He is the more aged one, so I will always give him the courtesy that is due his advanced years. We both love to delve into political philosophy and debate, which in this very passive political climate is a good thing. Neither one of us tows the company line of a particular party, although our philosophy definitely aligns more with the Conservative, Republican side. I expect we'll give Republicans and Democrats a real tongue lashing from time to time, but always in a with a consistent Conservative rationale behind it.
From the onset I want to clarify that there is a difference between facts and opinions. Ideally, a person bases their opinions on all the facts in the matter. This is what we hope to do as we give our opinions. I will not caprisciously state my whimsy because it sounds least not in important political discourse. I hope to give you strong, principled opinions based on well-reasoned thought. Here is my first:
The Declaration Principle - A few weeks ago in the Republican Debate they were asked if they believed in creation or evolution. On the face of it, it seems like a zinger of a question, and almost irrelevant because it's religious in nature. I'll tell you the response I wish one of the candidates would have given. 'Not only do I believe that we were created, but as the Declaration of Independence says, We are all created equal. If there is a candidate who doesn't believe that we were all created, and created equal I think that disqualifies them from holding any American Political office. This Declaration Principle of being Created, and being created equal is the thought that broke the back of slavery, gave women the right to vote, and deligitimizes the so-called right to abortion. We are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights, the first of which is more killing babies!!!!!!!! They are not property........they are humans and therefore have human rights. The right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the philosophical basis for the idea of limited Government Power. If you study the Constitution you'll realize the care that the founders took in limiting the role of Government. By the way.......this principle is what deligitimizes the income tax. They are taking your property, coercively and illegitimately. All taxes should be levied at the cash register as a consumer tax, that way they are voluntary and not coercive.
Well, there it is; my political philosophy in a well-reasoned nutshell. It all comes from the Declaration Principles......not a bad place to start from.
Finally, please let us know what you think about our it - hate it - whatever. I know we'll let each other know when we disagree.
OK -------Blog On!!!!
From the onset I want to clarify that there is a difference between facts and opinions. Ideally, a person bases their opinions on all the facts in the matter. This is what we hope to do as we give our opinions. I will not caprisciously state my whimsy because it sounds least not in important political discourse. I hope to give you strong, principled opinions based on well-reasoned thought. Here is my first:
The Declaration Principle - A few weeks ago in the Republican Debate they were asked if they believed in creation or evolution. On the face of it, it seems like a zinger of a question, and almost irrelevant because it's religious in nature. I'll tell you the response I wish one of the candidates would have given. 'Not only do I believe that we were created, but as the Declaration of Independence says, We are all created equal. If there is a candidate who doesn't believe that we were all created, and created equal I think that disqualifies them from holding any American Political office. This Declaration Principle of being Created, and being created equal is the thought that broke the back of slavery, gave women the right to vote, and deligitimizes the so-called right to abortion. We are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights, the first of which is more killing babies!!!!!!!! They are not property........they are humans and therefore have human rights. The right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the philosophical basis for the idea of limited Government Power. If you study the Constitution you'll realize the care that the founders took in limiting the role of Government. By the way.......this principle is what deligitimizes the income tax. They are taking your property, coercively and illegitimately. All taxes should be levied at the cash register as a consumer tax, that way they are voluntary and not coercive.
Well, there it is; my political philosophy in a well-reasoned nutshell. It all comes from the Declaration Principles......not a bad place to start from.
Finally, please let us know what you think about our it - hate it - whatever. I know we'll let each other know when we disagree.
OK -------Blog On!!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Jeremy's Introduction
Welcome to the our new Blog : Jeremy Schwaeber
I am currently the owner of Laptop Parts Expert in Irvine, California. My website can be found at I have been in the PC parts business for the past 14 years. While I listen to a lot of talk radio, I have always had a passion for discussing politics, sports and television. I am libertarian in my views so I call myself a conservative. I am married for 13 years with a 17 month old son. You can see his blog at You won't see a cuter child, and I'm not even biased.
My cousin Paul is an extremely intelligent and witty person I admire. We have not talked often in the past but we get along fabulously. I look forward to many discussions.
I am currently the owner of Laptop Parts Expert in Irvine, California. My website can be found at I have been in the PC parts business for the past 14 years. While I listen to a lot of talk radio, I have always had a passion for discussing politics, sports and television. I am libertarian in my views so I call myself a conservative. I am married for 13 years with a 17 month old son. You can see his blog at You won't see a cuter child, and I'm not even biased.
My cousin Paul is an extremely intelligent and witty person I admire. We have not talked often in the past but we get along fabulously. I look forward to many discussions.
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